Wildebeest: Horings Op Die Stoep (EP)

Wildebeest EP
Wildebeest EP


  1. Bossies [3.03]
  2. Hottentotsgot [2.36]
  3. Horings Op Die Stoep [3.53] medley of traditional boeremusiek melodies
  4. Mynhope in die Bosveld [2.23]

All songs composed by Colin Pratley


  • Piet Botha: bass, vocals, harmonica
  • Boet Faber: Guitar, vocals
  • Colin Pratley: African drums, vocals

Release information

1983, Graffiti, 12 Wild (C) 001

Wildebeest – Bossies


The EP has no title but is often referred to by the name of the first track on Side B, “Horings Op Die Stoep”.

“Super Maksi-Solus” means “Super Maxi-Single”.

Wildebeest EP - Side A
Wildebeest EP – Side A
Wildebeest EP - Side B
